Monday, May 12, 2014

Sensory Anchors by Angie Voss

***Sensory Tip of the Day!***
Who decided that foot tapping is acceptable and "normal"... but hand flapping is not???
Everything I have listed below in categories #1 and #2 are done for the exact same reasons...why has our society chosen to make one category "normal" and acceptable and the other "a maladaptive behavior" or a "stimming" behavior? (Note: I don't like "those" words and you will not me using them outside of a post like this)
Category #1:
Hand flapping, lining toys up, jumping in place, rubbing hands together briskly, smelling things, watching spinning objects, chewing on sleeves, etc.
Category #2: Nail biting, foot tapping, hair twisting, chewing on a pen top, swaying/rocking back and forth while standing, watching a lava lamp or other water feature and enjoying it, etc

All of the items in categories #1 and #2 are done to help self-regulate, to soothe and comfort the nervous system, to help achieve ready state for learning, attending, and to cope with the environment and setting at any given moment. These are ALL sensory anchors.

The only part that is different is this...category #1 has been deemed unacceptable by our society and category #2 acceptable. The bottom all needs to be acceptable. ~Angie Voss, OTR

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