Saturday, April 26, 2014

Deep Breaths and Wall Push-Ups at School

My son has one of THE most amazing teachers ever!  He started to show some anger at school because he told on one of his peers for hitting him while they were in line (which was an accident).  Another child hollered, "You're lying!  That's not true!"  The teacher saw and heard my son's anger in response to this child's accusations and very kindly said, "Woah, wait a minute.  Let's all take a deep breath."  So all of the kids in line took deep breaths and then she had them do wall push-ups.  Two very good techniques to calm a revved up nervous system pushing down the cortisol levels and getting some frustrations out.  I LOVED how she had all of the kids do it.  Afterwards she talked to the kids involved to see what was going on. 

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