Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sensory Explanation: This sensory signal is often misunderstood. Flapping of the hands is often a sensory anchor, which is calming and regulating to the brain. Doing this provides proprioception to the arms and hands, which is typically organizing and soothing for the nervous system. Take note if your child does this more often in new and unfamiliar settings or in challenging multi-sensory situations.
Ideas to Help!
• It’s okay to let 'em do it…and be sure to educate those around you about this sensory need. Also provide an explanation so that the child is respected for this.
• Hand flapping is really no different than someone who bites their nails, although for some reason our society accepts that as okay vs. hand flapping.
• Encourage regular doses of joint compression and joint traction via activities such as wheelbarrow walking, hanging from a bar, etc.
• Provide Thera-Putty™, Playdoh®, clay, and/or fidget toys.
• Provide regular doses of deep pressure touch to the arms and hands.
• Try Theraband® activities.
• Compression clothing for the upper body may help.
~Angie Voss, OTR

For more great tips/advice from Angie Voss visit her FB page "Understanding Your Child's Sensory Signals" @

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